The problem we're solving for Retailers
Omnichannel retailers can’t “see” the detailed behavior of the most successful online shopper paths-to-purchase across all product categories of their website, and therefore can’t optimize or personalize shopping journeys to improve low and stuck conversion.
OMNI’s Shopping Intelligence Platform surfaces retailers’ most successful online shopper journeys with Full Visit Analytics, links online shoppers with in-store purchases, includes Shopper Assistants to increase revenue per visit, and includes Demand Dashboards that enable optimizing the shopping experience, merchandising, purchasing, inventory allocations, sales associate effectiveness, promotions, etc.
The problem we're solving for Brands
Leading brands can’t see demand signals early enough to optimize product development, inventory planning, pricing, micro-targeted marketing, packaging, promotions, etc., resulting in slow-moving unnecessary inventory and markdowns.
OMNI’s Shopping Intelligence Platform empowers brand decision-makers with demand signals at the zip code and SKU level by uniting online and in-store shopping journey and purchase data with Full Visit Analytics. Market share, velocity, price elasticity, promotional response, price and inventory optimization data, etc. are only a click away using OMNI’s Demand Dashboards.